Naučila se, jak dokonale upravovat své šedé vlasy. Má zdravý a lesklý vzhled a Lynnie se naučila, jak se o něj dobře starat. Nyní si na Іnstagramu vytvořila vlastní blog a učí, jak se starat o šedé vlasy.

Bloggerka sdílí s Tajemníky jedinečná tajemství, která vymyslela pokusem a omylem z vlastní zkušenosti. Žena si v jednom okamžiku uvědomila, že šedé vlasy mohou být také lesklé a hladké. Říká, že pokud to Anderson Cooper uspěje, pak to může udělat každý.

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💛”Always look on the bright sidexoxoxo “ Unknown 🌟🌟🙏🙏🙏🙏🌟🌟🙏🙏🙏🙏Happy Friday Friends, the temperatures have dropped drastically here in just a couple of days, fall is in the air!! I think it was only 11 degrees Celsius this morning ! The good news is fall is a beautiful time in Canada and we get a full spectrum of incredible colours on our the trees, a true spectacle. The leaves have started to turn in just a few days, the process takes about 6 weeks something beautiful to look forward to. Do you see changes in your foliage yet? 🍁 . I love the quote or mantra I chose today “always look on the bright side” because I prefer to be positive and upbeat, who doesn’t ? I am a glass half full kinda gal, I choose to walk on the bright side of life, literally and figuratively. Walking in the sunshine just feels better. I invite you all to join me, let’s spread sunshine and joy, share a smile not a frown. 😃 😊😁 . Today I am wearing yellow again it just makes me feel happy !! My outfit is from @studiodianne from her spring collection and as always I love the comfort and elegance of her designs.this outfit is perfect for transitioning to fall.💛🐅🧡 . Wishing you all a bright sunshiny day, from the light in me to the light I see in all of you, keep sharing keep shining the world needs all your light🌟🌟🙏🙏🌟🌟🙏🙏🌟🌟🙏 . #brightside #brightsideoflife #brighterdaysahead #shinebright #shinebrightlikeadiamond #beunique #beunforgettable #bethelight #bethelightinthedarkness #positivevibes #positiveenergy #positivevibesonly #aginggracefully #agingbackwards #ageisjustanumber #artinaging #yowcitystyle #yowcity #fashioncanadians #fashioncanadian #canadianblogger #overfiftyandfabulous #over50__style #overfiftyandfit #over50influencer #silversisters #silversistersinternational #greyhairmodel #greyhairmovement #naturalhairstyles

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Jak se starat o šedé vlasy

Ostříhej si vlasy. Nezáleží na tom, zda zvolíte dlouhý nebo krátký účes, konce vlasů byste měli stříhat pravidelně.

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“Wrinkles should merely indicate where smiles have been. ” Mark Twain 😊😂😊😂😊😂😊😂😊😂😊😂 Happy Thursdays everyone, does anyone else feel like the weeks are flying by?? I can’t believe it’s almost the weekend. I have had my daughter @withlovebymarissa and her family here for a month and the days have flown. I want the days to slow down a little, I want to soak in a little more time with them. I just want to bottle up this wonder-full feeling, put time in a bottle. My house is full of smiles and laughter and my heart feels full. 🌟 At 58 I have grown to truly appreciate how blessed I am to be here living this beautiful life and I am truly grateful for all the scars and wrinkles that are showing up as I age because they honestly show that I have lived. I love this quote of Mark Twain’s and when I look at my face I do in fact see that my wrinkles are in my smile lines, so I am grateful for them. I am trying to embrace every step of the aging process like it’s a gift appreciating every step of the way. It’s not always easy, but I am getting there. Smiling draws the lines up and frowning draws them down, which way is better ?? I choose smiling, so I will pass that on. To every one out there I am sending smiles your way, wishing you a great day. From the light in me to the light that I see in all of you , keep shining keep sharing keep laughing keep smiling. Peace peace peace 🙏🌟😊✌🏼🌟🙏😊✌🏼🌟#smiles #smilesformiles #smilesarecontagious #smilewrinkles #wrinkles #naturalbeauty #naturalmakeup #agingbackwards #aginglikefinewine #embracinglife #embracethegray #aginggracefully #agingskin #cleanbeauty #whitehairwisdom #whitehaircolor #silverhaircolor #silversisters #silversistersinternational #silversistersinblack #silversistersinternational #greyhairmodel #greyhairmovement #greyhaircolor #over50andfit #over50women #over50influencer #greyhair #greyhairmodel #greyhairjourney #naturalskincare #cleanbeauty #wrinklesarebeautiful

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Dobrý účes a módní účes jsou zárukou atraktivního vzhledu všech vlasů. Lynnie V říká, že když má dokonalý účes, může si s jistotou narovnat vlasy a vytvořit kadeře.

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🌙”And if you are ever feeling lonely just look at the moon. Someone somewhere is looking right at it too.” Unknown . 🌙 🌚 🌝 🌙🌚🌝🌙🌚🌝🌙🌚🌝 . Happy Monday and happy new week to you all. Here we are in mid September, time for me to begin the wardrobe transition to fall, the warmer summer days are over until next year. I spent time yesterday moving some clothes around so I can find my cozier pieces more easily. I am wearing my cozy HOPE sweater by @omandahlondon and my brand new “Luna” leggings by @omandahlondon ( swipe left to see them ) great for the transition to fall. I am going to be wearing this outfit a lot!! These leggings are so thin they feel like a second skin, perfect for yoga or lounging!! I love everything about this company they truly align with my briefs and my lifestyle. 🤍🌚🌝 . I love the quote I chose today, and I love the moon and all its different cycles. I think it’s amazing that at any given time when I am looking at the moon someone somewhere in the world is also gazing up at it. We are never alone. This is an amazing concept and so important to remember especially moving into the colder seasons and thinking about the pandemic and the isolation and social distancing rules. I am so grateful for all of my insta friends and family both near and far, for sharing and caring, I feel like I am never alone on this beautiful journey of life and graceful aging. 🙏 . Have a great day and remember when your looking at the moon someone somewhere is gazing up at it as well. 🌝 . From the light in me to the light I see in all of you, keep sharing, keep shining the world needs your light. Om Peace peace peace om shanti shanti shanti ✌🏼🙏🌟✌🏼🙏🌟✌🏼 . . . #luxuryloungewear #cleanbeauty #silversisters #silversisterinternational #silverhairmodels #greyhairmodel #greyhairmovement #greyhaircolor #grayhair #grayhaircolor #naturalbeauty #cleanliving #overfiftyandfit #over50_style #over50fitness #overfiftyinfluencer #overfiftyandfabulous #aginglikefinewine #gracefulaging #agingbackwards #luxurylifestyle #luxurysweater #yogapants #yogawear #yogateacherlife #yogawear #whitehair #whitehairwisdom #authenticself #beyourself #bekind

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