Na sítích publikovala pouze oříznuté obrázky, na nichž byla vidět pouze její tvář a ramena. Dívka trpí lipedémou, s touto patologií dochází k nadměrnému hromadění tuku na nohou, v kyčlích a pažích.

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Life’s To Short ———————————— . Today has been a funny mix of emotions. Moving our bits into our new home, finding out my story is going to be run in a few different magazines & realising with the good comes the bad. Life is too short, why worry about what others think of you. I spent most of my life doing just this. Scared to post a photo because my double chin is in it. Scared to go anywhere in fear comments will be made. Scared to let anyone in, in fear of being hurt. We need to learn to just take life and run with it. It’s the only life we have. It’s too short for arguments, hard feelings, self hate or whatever. Today I was bombarded with beautiful messages from friends & family about the news. Which was then greeted with a few trolls, but one thing I noticed was I wasn’t bothered about what they were saying, you’re right I am fat, I am beached, I am huge but you know what else I am is kind hearted, loving, caring, happy, confident, ME. I am me. I am god damn proud to be me. So here’s a photo of my double chins, a not great facial expression & my flabby abi belly! Soak it up trolls, because I love me, I love who I am, I love the people I have around me & I love the fact my presence is making a change to this disgusting stigma. Have a fabulous weekend beauties! 🤍💫 . . ————————— #ootdblogger #collab #ukstyle #100flavoursuk #fbloggers #lookoftheday #instafashion #ootd #luxurystreetwear #fertility #fertilityblogger #travelblogger #suffolkbloggers #shropshirebloggers #fabfashionkillas #fashionblogger #styleblogger #bloggerstyle #ootdgoals #getintothisstyle #selfloveclub #lifetsyleblogger #myworld #mybodymyrules #loveyourself #discoverunder5k #fertilitydiaries #stylehunters

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Jednoho krásného dne byla Ebi unavená z toho, že se stydí za své formy, a na Instagram poslala obrázek, ve kterém byla zcela nahá. V ruce držela dívka tabulku s větou „Moje tělo, moje pravidla“.

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HOME ————————— . . I don’t think I have been this happy & focused going into a new year. To be able to sit on the stairs of our own home is just a dream come true! I can’t wait for them to be covered in the carpet we have chosen on the 8th in less than 2 weeks we will be in! This year has been crazy but to end it with a place to call our own is the icing on the cake! Not long to go now! For all of our updates on our interior head over to @ourburtondream 💖🏡💫 . . ————————— #stylehunters#whatimwearingtoday#ootdbloggers#bloggeroutfit#inspostyle#lookoftheday#fashionlover#stylesubmit#prettylittleinspo#fashioninspo#thegirlgang#ootdgoals#bloggerstyle#summervibes#cybercorner#brumbloggers#covbloggers#100flavoursuk#fashionstyler#streetstyleinspirations#discoverunder5k#norfolkbloggers#suffolkbloggers

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V komentářích na ní házeli špínu, ale byli tam ti, kteří ji podporovali. A co je nejdůležitější, Ebi bylo nabídnuto, aby se stala modelkou pro značky specializující se na prodeji oblečení pro silnější ženy.

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𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐘 ————————— . . Not the most aesthetically pleasing bathrooms but seen as I’ve been on the sofa all weekend & start of the week my content is lacking! However does it matter? Do we only care about the likes we get in life now that we no longer take spontaneous photos of ourselves because we feel good. Do we have to get up early on our days off to “shoot content” otherwise we are bad bloggers? Why take ourselves so seriously and let go a little. Let lose and enjoy the life around us a little more. Instagram is always going to be here but the time we spend enjoying our real life isn’t. Here’s to a week of random photos for my “gram” hope you enjoy them! 💫💫 . . . ————————— #stylehunters#whatimwearingtoday#ootdbloggers#bloggeroutfit#inspostyle#lookoftheday#fashionlover#stylesubmit#prettylittleinspo#fashioninspo#thegirlgang#ootdgoals#bloggerstyle#summervibes#cybercorner#brumbloggers#covbloggers#100flavoursuk#fashionstyler#streetstyleinspirations#fashionselfie#norfolkbloggers#covbloggers

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Nyní má dívka váhu 114 kg a ona se nestudí svého těla. Ebi se na focení chová svobodně a nezáleží na tom v krátké sukni, šatech nebo v kalhotách.

Mimochodem, naše hrdinka má přítele jménem Jack se, kterým se seznámila v Tinder. Nezajímá ho vzhled, miluje jí osobnost. Také  dívka sní o tom, že pozná radost z mateřství. Byla jí diagnostikována neplodnost, ale nevzdává se a chce porodit dítě.

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||𝙇𝙄𝙁𝙀|| . . ——————— Live a life that brings warmth to your soul but also drives you crazy at times. Living isn’t about a perfect life where nothing happens. Living is when you experience all the food and the bad. Living is about giving it your all, in love and experience. When you break free from fear. So learn to live more. Love more. Laugh more. There’s more to this life. 🍂🍂🍂 . . . . ——————— #stylehunters#whatimwearingtoday#ootdbloggers#bloggeroutfit#inspostyle#lookoftheday#fashionlover#stylesubmit#prettylittleinspo#fashioninspo#thegirlgang#ootdgoals#bloggerstyle#summervibes#cybercorner#brumbloggers#covbloggers#100flavoursuk#fashionstyler#streetstyleinspirations#fashionselfie#norfolkbloggers#covbloggers

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Všem svým sledovatelům model slibuje, že bude mluvit o tom, co budou muset projít s Jackem, aby se stali rodiči.