Linda Wrightový je ale ikona skutečného stylu a dokázala, že ani věk není vůbec překážkou stylového a atraktivního vzhledu.

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A cool 23 degrees here in Paris today and it feels like fall. It is in fact, just around the corner. Remember the movie starring Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks...You’ve Got Mail? I loved the line when he said something about offering Meg « a bouquet of freshly sharpened pencils » for starting back to school? Well, it went something like that. We need more movies like that. I am a self proclaimed Romantic Comedy Queen. Is there something new out I should see? Hit me up with some ideas? I’m Netflixed out of anything new. I am eager to swing into Fall. Got to put on a fave sweater today. Nothing says Fall like a navy cashmere crewneck. Today was the perfect weather to team that sweater with my old @dior striped denim pants. This black bandanna around my neck is the small one from my shop....Crimson. Both available on my website: Sales end soon and these are great classics to invest in, Guys. Just sayin’!!! Yellow suede shoes with navy piping are @belgianshoesnyc and sunglasses are @therow This smile is for you in hopes you have a wonderful week!!! ❌⭕️

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Linda se nenarodila ve Francii, ale do hlavního města této země se přestěhovala před více než čtyřiceti lety, takže ji lze bezpečně považovat za pravou Pařížanku. Tato žena již dávno překročila věkovou hranici 50+ a má status babičky, ale ve svém věku vypadá prostě úžasně!

Lindu nelze nazvat obyčejnou a průměrnou obyvatelkou Paříže, protože ve svém rodném Texasu byla úspěšnou modelkou a po přestěhování do Francie si otevřela kašmírový obchod, o kterém dnes ví mnoho Pařížanů.

V Lindě ji přitahuje životní duch. Vždy vypadá šťastně a vesele a je si také jistá, že žena sama určuje svůj vnitřní svět a vybírá si, čím naplní svůj vlastní život: melancholii, štěstím, myšlenky na mládí nebo vírou ve světlou budoucnost.

A Linda hrdě předvádí svou přirozenou krásu a přijímá se taková, jaká je: s věkovými vráskami, nedokonalou pokožkou, šedivými vlasy a dalšími nedokonalostmi. Žena je přesvědčena, že i stárnou lze důstojně a krásně.

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I am a strong believer in Pink. I like to think I inherited that from my Grandmother, Pearl. Pink was her favorite color. I will admit to needing to be in a good mood for pink. On the other hand, I guess this was not the case for my grandmother as she did not have different moods. Have you ever had the pleasure of being around someone who was or is always in a good mood? My grandmother was this person. Not a day went by that she did not show joy and kindness to those of us who were around. This was her only out. I know she seeded a part of that in me. However, I could never be as good as she was, because I can react to others unkindness. She repeatedly told me that when you return unkindness to someone who has been unkind, you have lowered yourself to the same level of unkindness. Sorry, Granny, I’m guilty as charged!!! Working on that lesson from you, but I still have a journey ahead. Meanwhile I put on pink for you today. 1) Shirt from my shop with pale pink initials 2) Pouch from my shop from @fonfique 3) Silk pant from @therow 4) Sneakers from @brunellocucinelli_brand 5) Sunglasses @meyrowitz_opticiens for my shop.

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Wrightová si vybírá extrémně pohodlné oblečení vyrobené z přírodních, prodyšných materiálů. Linda považuje džíny za základní věc ve svém šatníku a dává přednost všestranným a praktickým klasickým rovným nebo volným modelům.

Tradiční a oblíbenou kombinací jsou tmavé džíny s bílým tričkem. Linda doplňuje takovou sadu o nebesky modrou mikinu, která obrázek osvěží a dodá mu originalitu. V létě si Wrightová užívá světlé džíny, včetně sněhobílých.

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Getting eerily quiet on the streets of Paris. Parisians leave for their yearly month long vacation in either July or August. The major exodus was this weekend. Normally at this time of year, we have so many wonderful tourists walking around and showing their appreciation of the city. The historical monuments, the incredible choices of museums....French bakeries, French people and the food and wine!!!! Their excitement and energy will not appear for us this summer. I just wanted to tell you how much you are missed. Truly missed. I am not just talking about those who push open the door to my boutique and come in for a chat. I am talking about that global community who travels far and wide to walk these same old cobbled streets you are seeing in this photo. I will walk them while thinking of you. I am a huge fan of old hand laid cobbled streets. So....’til next summer, take care of yourselves....take care of the others. We have a « rendez-vous », and I am counting on you to show up. Also hotter fill in the blank!!! So, needed light attire for my day. Poet’s shirt from my shop (long enough to wear outside and covers way past the bottom). Painter’s Pant from @45r_official is fab for summer as it is lighter than light denim. My @montecristi hat took six months to weave and is finer than fine. Silver metallic Tropezienne’s from @rondini_officiel. From Linda with Love 🤍💙🤍💙🤍💙🤍💙🤍💙🤍💙🤍

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Mohou být spárovány s více nasycenou vrchní části oblečení, jako modrá mikina. Jako doplňky používá módní sluneční brýle. Boty - pohodlné tenisky světlé barvy.

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So how is this Monday working for you? Can I tell you something? My boutique is eerily calm. The Parisians have left for a long July 14th holiday weekend. My lovely visitors from other parts of the world are staying put in their other parts of the world. Strange situation we’ve got ourselves into!!! Well, you know what? I am happy to be waiting for your return. I am here, and I am not going anywhere until we see each other. Do what needs to be done to take care of yourselves and others, please. Let us not be sad or negative or nostalgic. Forge on Friends and we will be on the brighter side soon. I believe it. Meanwhile who loves a bright yellow pant in the summertime? Not you!!! 😂 Attitude of the day was « I need sunshine in my life, so I put on this last year’s sale buy from @marni and this cotton gingham shirt is someone new I carry in my shop @jupebyjackie. What she does is so beautifully thought out. Check her out!!! Sunglasses @meyrowitz_opticiens and available on my website (check the link on my profile). Now....judge me if you want for wearing @havaianas in the elegant city of Paris, but I can’t help myself. I love them!!! Comfortable Cool and Cost Effective. P.S. I went for lunch in them at my all time fave restaurant in Paris @le_stresa Sending you all a massive hug. ❌⭕️❤️

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Linda se také nebojí jasných věcí. Může se například projít v hedvábných kalhotách s potiskem a oranžovém svetru. A na schůzku se svým vnukem si žena vybrala bílé široké džíny a mikinu s bohatým červeným odstínem.
