V roce 2018 došlo k nehodě, když Stephanie se spolu se svými rodiči rozhodla obdivovat krásy přírody na ostrovech a pronajmout si loď. Téměř okamžitě po zahájení plavby se stala hrozná věc - motor explodoval, který byl přímo pod Stephanii.

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I’m appreciating every day so much more after getting through the recovery of yet another surgery. The good days feel so much sweeter when they come after a few bad days. This surgery may have given me a couple of challenging weeks but I know that it will give me years of less pain, easier walking, and a more comfortable #prosthesis What’s kept my spirits up?? Staying active! I’ve been biking, swimming, and doing physical therapy. I love getting outside on the bike, feeling free when I’m in the pool, and feeling strong in physical therapy 💪🏻 Next up on my to do list: kayaking and #adaptive water skiing!! ... how does everyone else stay active and keep their spirits up? #adaptivesports #adaptivelife #adaptivelyabledamputees #recovery

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Během katastrofy dostala velmi vážná zranění, takže lékaři se museli uchýlit k amputaci nohou.

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It’s been a wild year, everyone. Of course, I wish June 30, 2018, had been a normal day for me, but it wasn’t. I've learned more than I could have ever imagined this past year. I’ve screamed, I’ve cried, I’ve given up – but I’ve always gotten back up. I've learned that everything gets better in time. Work hard. Be kind. Be good. Be humble. Love yourself for you. 💗💪 To get a glimpse into my journey, check out my most recent blog post. Link in bio! ✍️👆 ⁣⁣ -⁣⁣ -⁣⁣ -⁣⁣ -⁣⁣ #StefFindsNewRoads #StefStrong #Chevy #chevyequinox #amputee #doubleamputee #amplife #blessed #thankful #grateful #miracle #vermont #burlington #burlingtonvt #vermontlife

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Stephanie přijala její změněné tělo a životní styl, který nyní vede. Dokonce se jí podařilo založit blog, kde publikuje fotografie v plavkách bez rozpaků.

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Decided to run away to Maine for a couple days just to relax and sit by the ocean...one day we were walking around Portland when a stranger waved to me. I figured it was just the usual smile and wave you get from other fellow amputees, but then she came up to us and knew exactly who I was. This woman is someone I’ve never met, but she had been following my story, and cheering me on from a distance since day 1 💛 I’ve felt the love and support everyday in my home town community and from all the people in my life, but it always amazes me when I see it in new places too. Shows me how good people really are, and what a small 🌎 it is we live in #amputeelife #thankful #steffindsnewroads

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You can plan surgery and feel prepared for it or it can be unexpected, but either way the recovery is always harder than we can imagine. I went into this last surgery with a good attitude, ready to get it done, recover, and be back better than ever. But the reality is that recovery is full of unexpected twists and turns, feelings of frustration and sadness. Not all days are good days. What I’ve found that helps me is having support from family and friends and an amazing community around me. Gotta keep your head held high and know that these hard days won’t last forever. I’m anxious to be healed and get back to being active but I do love all this quality time with my big guy Oliver 💗 thank you to everyone who has helped my family and I through this hard time it’s so appreciated #community #recovery #strength

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Stephanie dnes vede plný život: sportováním, návštěvou bazénu, řídí ručně ovládané kolo a auto. V budoucnu plánuje návrat k tanci. Dívka si je jistá, že bez ohledu na to, jaká se tragédie stáne, si člověk musí i nadále užívat života!

Pokud jde o ředitele společnosti Four C's Adventures, která poskytla turistům loď s vadným motorem, brzy se objeví před soudci za to, co udělal.

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