Nicméně existují jisté nuance, které ctitelé slavného dua nevědí. Například zda budou muset při setkání vzdávat hold královské rodině včetně prince Charlese a Kate Middletonové?

Expert na královskou etiketu Mika Mayerová o detailech nynějšího statusu prince Harryho a Meghan Markleové řekla: “Manželům zůstanou tituly, jen již nebudou moci využívat privilegia. Pořadí poklon zůstane stejné, jak když se Meghan stala součástí rodiny.”

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This morning, The Duke and Duchess of Sussex’s son, Archie Harrison Mountbatten-Windsor was christened in the Private Chapel at Windsor Castle at an intimate service officiated by the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby. The Duke and Duchess of Sussex are so happy to share the joy of this day with members of the public who have been incredibly supportive since the birth of their son. They thank you for your kindness in welcoming their first born and celebrating this special moment. Their Royal Highnesses feel fortunate to have enjoyed this day with family and the godparents of Archie. Their son, Archie, was baptised wearing the handmade replica of the royal christening gown which has been worn by royal infants for the last 11 years. The original Royal Christening Robe, made of fine Honiton lace lined with white satin, was commissioned by Queen Victoria in 1841 and first worn by her eldest daughter. It was subsequently worn for generations of Royal christenings, including The Queen, her children and her grandchildren until 2004, when The Queen commissioned this handmade replica, in order for the fragile historic outfit to be preserved, and for the tradition to continue. Photo credit: Chris Allerton ©️SussexRoyal

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Podle slov Mayerové se Meghan bude muset klanět princeznám, které se v královské rodině narodily, ale i Kate Middletonové, jelikož její manžel je druhý v pořadí na nástup na trůn. U prince Harryho vše zůstane jako doposud. 

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Vévoda a vévodkyně ze Sussexu nyní budují šťastný a spokojený život daleko od královské rodiny. Jaká pravidla královského protokolu již dodržovat nemusí?

Slavný pár od nynějška může objímat a líbat své obdivovatele nebo dávat autogramy. Připomínáme, že bývalý major domus prince Charlese sdělil, že příslušníci královského rodu se nesmí dotýkat obdivovatelů. Nicméně vévoda i vévodkyně ze Sussexu toto pravidlo již dříve porušili, když objímali své dětské obdivovatele.

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Today, Prince Harry, The Duke of Sussex had a full and impactful day in Botswana. As Sentebale co-founding patron, HRH visited Kasane Health Post, Botswana, to show his support for young people affected by #HIV and the important work being done to eradicate the stigma and support the community at large. He also spent the afternoon working with @elephantswithoutborders to continue to support conservation efforts on the ground- (for more on that please see our previous post!) Both organisations are close to The Duke’s heart, having worked on conservation for many years and founding Sentebale over 13 years ago. As shared on the @sentebale account: In Kasane, 1 in 5 people aged between 15 and 49 live with HIV. The area, a transit point between four countries, is affected by a high HIV infection rate with transactional sex and unemployment driving risky behaviour. Sentebale expanded work in Botswana in 2016, over 47 clubs have been established around the country for young people coming to terms with living with #HIV, reaching over 1,250 adolescents monthly. In addition, the team has held 15 weeks of camp, attended by 1,115 campers. #RoyalVisitBostwana Photo©️PA images

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Meghan se nyní může vrátit ke své herecké profesi. Již dříve bylo oznámeno, že manželka prince Harryho podepsala dohodu s Disney a propůjčí svůj hlas animovaným postavám výměnou za dobročinné příspěvky fondu Elephants Without Borders. Není vyloučeno, že se bude opět chtít objevit na obrazovkách. Uživatelé sociálních sítí vtipkují, že Meghan nyní může hrát sama sebe v seriálu Koruna.

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Ladies who launch! This afternoon in the Woodstock district of Cape Town, The Duchess of Sussex joined inspiring female entrepreneurs who shared their passion for ideas, technology and making a positive social impact. Each of the women shared amazing stories of how they started in business, the journey they’ve been on - successes and struggles - but also their ambitions for the future. Female empowerment and championing women’s rights is a key focus for The Duchess. By taking small actions we can make a big difference. Thank you to the inspiring women The Duchess met today, who are setting this example every day through their dedication and determination. #RoyalVisitSouthAfrica Photo ©️ PA images / Sussex Royal

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Pár již nebude představovat královnu při oficiálních událostech. Nemusí být přítomní na důležitých ceremoniích jako je Den válečných veteránů. 

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The Duke and Duchess of Sussex joined hundreds of veterans and their families at the 91st Field of Remembrance at Westminster Abbey, to honour and remember those who lost their lives in service of their country. Their Royal Highnesses each planted a Cross of Remembrance, paying respect to those who have served in our Armed Forces. They were then honoured to spend time meeting with veterans and family members from all areas of the Armed forces - from those who have served in past campaigns to more recent conflicts. This is the seventh time The Duke has attended the Field of Remembrance – having previously accompanied The Duke of Edinburgh for several years. The Duchess of Sussex was grateful to be able to join her husband on this important day and to personally recognise those who have served. #remembrance #lestweforget

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Meghan ani Harry nemusí nechat svého dalšího potomka pokřtít. Křest dětí je dávná tradice Windsorské dynastie. V červenci minulého roku pár pokřtil syna Archieho. I tenkrát pár porušil některá důležitá pravidla.

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The Duke and Duchess of Sussex joined hundreds of veterans and their families at the 91st Field of Remembrance at Westminster Abbey, to honour and remember those who lost their lives in service of their country. Their Royal Highnesses each planted a Cross of Remembrance, paying respect to those who have served in our Armed Forces. They were then honoured to spend time meeting with veterans and family members from all areas of the Armed forces - from those who have served in past campaigns to more recent conflicts. This is the seventh time The Duke has attended the Field of Remembrance – having previously accompanied The Duke of Edinburgh for several years. The Duchess of Sussex was grateful to be able to join her husband on this important day and to personally recognise those who have served. #remembrance #lestweforget

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Manželé si mohou projevovat city na veřejnosti. Dříve dvorní fotograf TIm Rooke řekl, že Meghan a Harry jsou nejroztomilejším párem královské rodiny. “Když je porovnáte s princem Williamem a Kate Middletonovou, tak Harry s Meghan se prostě utápí v něžnostech. Zřídka vidíme, že by se William a Kate drželi za ruku, ale Harry a Meghan tak chodí neustále.”

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Today, we are excited to be able to announce details for the Duke and Duchess of Sussex’s upcoming tour to Africa! 🇿🇦🇧🇼🇦🇴🇲🇼 • In just two weeks, Their Royal Highnesses will embark on this official tour focusing on community, grassroots leadership, women’s and girls’ rights, mental health, HIV/AIDS and the environment. This programme has been many months in the making, and The Duke and Duchess are eager to focus their energies on the great work being done in Southern Africa. From meeting with Archbishop Desmond Tutu to joining ‘Waves for Change’ on Monwabisi Beach, the South Africa programme will be educational and inspiring. The Duke is especially proud to continue the legacy left by his mother with her work in Angola as he joins Halo Trust again in an effort to rid the world of landmines. HRH will also travel to Malawi where he will check in on the British Army’s partnership with African Parks and will be working on the ground supporting local communities. The Duke is particularly proud to be able to deliver an exciting new initiative, a Queen’s Commonwealth Canopy three-country partnership which he designed and consulted with Governments in Namibia, Botswana and Angola to protect forest and wildlife corridors around the Okavango Delta. The Duchess will be working with local organisations to promote women and girls’ health and education, entrepreneurship and leadership. With such a textured culture and history, Their Royal Highnesses are grateful for the opportunity to connect with those on the ground in Southern Africa and to be inspired by the work being done and learn how they can be better supported. As President and Vice President of The Queens Commonwealth Trust and The Duke’s role as Commonwealth Youth Ambassador, The Duke and Duchess cannot wait to meet with young leaders mobilising change and adding to the beauty of these Commonwealth countries 🇿🇦🇧🇼🇦🇴🇲🇼 • “We look forward to seeing you soon!” • Photo ©️ PA images / Tim Graham - Getty Images / @Sentebale /@AfricanParksNetwork / @YouthAlert

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Slavný pár může zapomenout na pravidla královského dress codu. Možná již brzy uvidíme prince Harryho v džínách a tričku. Mimochodem Meghan si s tímto pravidlem vůbec nedělala starosti. Nedávno při procházce s Archiem a milovaným čtyřnohým přítelem nadchla obdivovatele, když se ukázala v obyčejném oblečení.

Prostý život manželům jen prospívá. Mnozí poznamenávají, že nyní vypadají mnohem šťastněji. Nemůžeme nesouhlasit!